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- VoxVote Live - Start voting now - for you in the audience
- VoxVote Slides
- VoxVote Chat - Question and Answer module
- VoxVote Colour Voting
- VoxVote Quiz - Interactive quiz
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- VoxVote Branding - Custom URL and web app
- VoxVote - Images
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VoxVote free and easy Mobile Voting tool for ANY speaker or teacher.
Use VoxVote to interact live with your audience. Either on a live event or in an online video meeting
Create questions, ask your audience to vote and discuss the live chart results.
CREATE: Try for Free
for you as a speaker, teacher or (online) event organizer
Go live within 2 minutes. We've already created the first question for you. You receive 5 events for free (worth 150 euro) and allow UNLIMITED audience voting.
VOTE: Join Event
for you in the audience
Are you in an audience, which could be a classroom, stadium or conference? Received a PIN code from the speaker? Vote on live.voxvote.com in your browser.

Write questions with ChatGPT
It is sometimes hard to write good question to ask your audience. Let's benefit from AI, and use our special VoxVote prompt to generate good questions for your upcomming event. You can use Gemini or CoPilot as well, we now focus on ChatGPT.
Read our Tutorial benefit from ChatGPTWhat people say about us:
Testimonial received by mail from Joshua Spicer from Whitman-Hanson school in Massachusetts: "After researching a lot of these services, I didn’t believe your site would be truly “free” like you advertise. Most of your competitors either cap at 10/50/100 votes or have some other hidden restriction. While I feel like you advertised well, your site seemed almost too good to be true. Does that make sense? You have a great free product - I would suggest advertising “NO CAPS”, “NO RESTRICTIONS”, etc more prominently. It took me a lot of searching to find your service, but if I found it earlier I would have stopped immediately. I was going to use ... (another website/product) The website was buggy and on some phones wouldn’t render correctly. Also, it was VERY easy to vote multiple times despite there being an option to turn that off. While some students did find ways to vote more than once on your service, it was much more difficult. You also have a much nicer website/app."
See our other reviews on
Question Images
You can now upload an image with your question. Align the question left or right of the chart. Read more here...
Also decide if you want to send the image to the audience voting devices. Available for paying users and granted educational users. See our video tutorial for image questions.
Open Answers with WordCloud reporting
A new question type is available. On top of multiple, single, ranked, you can now ask open answers. The reporting is done in a WordCloud (of words) and a frequecy (full answers).
Protip: Ask you audience to answer with short answers.
VoxVote Quiz functionality is now available. You can mark the correct answers and your audience will score a points total.
See how to collect your audience names. Watch the video tutorial or read our VoxQuiz™ frequently asked questions.
Detail scores per question and respondent or participant.
Watch our VoxVote Video tutorials
View Features
for curious people
All the functionality you might expect from an Audience Response System is available for free, including some special VoxVote features. Are you looking for a business alternative for Kahoot? You just found us. Same functions, but slick design and less distraction.
- Unlimited Audience
- Vote over internet with your smartphone (WiFi, 4G or 5G) browser based.
- Live graph results
- Logo Branding
- Allow audience to ask questions and centralized moderating. New
- Create instant new questions
- Vote anonymous, or ask your audience for nickname
- Multiple choice, single answers, open answers/free text, ranked answers, weighted averages
- Add image to your questions.
- Create presentation slides. No need to switch between PowerPoint or Keynote.
- Secure voting over https
- Custom voting URL and corporate style
- Keyboard letters to start and navigate questions
- Clone/Copy your events
- Crossing / Combining questions in result view
- Export your data and questions
- VoxQuiz™ - points total per respondent for all correct answers. List of users in Excel
How does VoxVote work?
VoxVote explained in some steps. More details can be found in our Tutorial and Frequently Asked Questions
- Create/prepare your questions in advance. With VoxVote you can preview your questions, vote yourself and see how the graphs will look on the big screen.
- Invite your audience - via the browser http://live.voxvote.com (or download the iOS or Android app in the stores.)
- Laptop, tablet, PC's - anything connected to the internet will work.
- Inform your audience your unique event number (5 digits). They will vote anonymous.
- Start your first question.
- Refresh the chart, and discuss the results / interact with the audience.
Continue with next questions / add new questions / modify questions.
At the end, when closing your event, you can archive your project and share an e-mail summary to the voters who left their email addres after the last question.
Start now for free on https://designer.voxvote.com
Why should I use VoxVote?
To have live answers and insights from your audience. You can discuss the results and it will be more interactive. This is our top 5
- Reduce paper feedback forms (low response rate, lot of work to handle).
- Interactivity - compare results before and after your talk
- Fast and fun to see the live results.
- Modern usage of technology (e-learning e-tech or quiz option)
- Your audience is already connected and are playing (working) on their smartphones during your presentation. Make use of it !
Start now for free on https://designer.voxvote.com
New, our Question and Answer Message module
Allow your audience to ask questions, which can be moderated by you. Read more about these functions.
Our Clients
We have many clients in our porfolio, devided in the following main markets.
- Educational Schools, universities, educational learning.
- Profesional speakers performers on stage, speakers and event organizers
- Internal meetings using VoxVote to vote intenal business meetings, during business trips, outdoor (sports) events, or even your school or pub voting contest.
Here is a random list of our recent clients. You can click on details to view the case we have described with our client. Want to be listed here? Contact us.