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VoxVote Slides
One of the most asked questions on our support departement was: How can we integrate VoxVote with Powerpoint.
Our honest answer is: not.
Main reasons:
- Possible problems on local PC in preparation versus the live event venue presentation laptop or PC. (Suppose you have our Office 2013 plugin installed, all works fine, but on the event venue ACME Video, is the company you hired for audio and video on the event. You show up with VoxVote, and the demand to install a plugin .ppa or .ppta file. Where corporate policy is not to trust or install custom software. So you know your event is ruined. And in the back of your mind, you think ruined by VoxVote.)
- Why prioritize PowerPoint, and not Keynote (Mac) or Prezi or other presentation software? We don't focus on windows only.
- Incompatabily between 32 and 64 bit Windows (and office 2013, 2016, 2018 or other versions). We need to develop 12 versions, with no guarantee your presentation laptop Powerpoint version is the same as your inhouse version. And yeah... we need to maintain 12 or more version of our VoxVote plugin, and keynote plugin etc....
That's why we made it easy: Bring slides/presentations to VoxVote. Available for all our educational users and upgraded users (normal upgrade, bronze or higher)
So we developed as slide designer inside VoxVote, where you can create slides online and integrate them with your polling questions.
Ok, it's not a full Powerpoint replacement, but you can add your images, video, vote instructions, bullet lists, headers and more. And you can ofcourse make screenshots of your PowerPoint pages and import them as images.)
Checklist & Tips
- Prepare your presentation up front, not during the VoxVote designer. Get your images, prepare them upfront. Same for questions. What are you going to ask your audience?
- Creating great presentations is often a matter of consistency. Keep colors, fonts and instructions consistent.
- Test/preview your presentation.
- Start with an instruction slide (and dummy question)
- End with a thanks all slide.
Below some examples of
- Add (youtube) video's
- Add HTML snippets in your questions. (yes, you can use <strong>this is bigger</strong> or <span style="color:pink; font-size:20px>This is a pink large text</span> into any slide object or questiontext.
- Add video with the <iframe> tag, created from a Youtube video
Some slide examples.
Here you see an overview of the questions you created. A combination of slides and questions.
Example of the slide editor
Our slide editor now comes with 11 slide elements.
Use the empty block to position your slide. Just click on the item and set the properties.
For sorting, use drag and drop.
Advanced: Add Video
You can integrate any online video.
Here we show you an example of a video with reference FAW8rfVPnh0 on YouTube.
You can create the whole embed syntax from YouTube with the right click on your video, and paste it into your text block or paragraph or questiontext.
Example: <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FAW8rfVPnh0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Will show you this video. (note. we took 640x360 and not 1280x720 for size). During playback of video, you can use the fullscreen to go fullscreen.